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That fact means most homes are naturally built close to termites. A typical home may easily have three to four colonies situated under or close around it. If you have a lot of mosquitos around your property you will need to try and prevent them from biting till you can find and eliminate their breeding sources. DEETS which was developed by the US Government to protect from mosquito bites.
The queen never leaves her nest, she just keeps reproducing more worker ants. AntEstimates are that there are between 10,000 trillion, and 1 million trillion ants on the planet. Counting ants could be a full-time occupation for some poor entomologist. Arenologist have it comparatively easy since sand at least just lays there. Ants are quite mobile, so I imagine it’s easy to count the same one more than once. Do a thorough inspection of the doors and windows throughout your home.
Clean Up After Your Pets
Stewart’s, for example, performs four applications during the spring, summer, and fall when bugs and insects are the most active. We also offer free resprays between regular treatments as needed. Pest control doesn't always require calling the exterminators. You can protect your home from the most pesky and destructive insects by enlisting an army of beneficial bugs. It all starts with encouraging the good guys to stick around, even in the off-season, by putting up an Insect Hotel. The mod, turquoise design looks pretty chic against your stylish exterior.
Cockroaches, in particular, are drawn to dark spots and the smell of paper. Get rid of any clutter, particular stacks of bags, boxes, or magazines. Unfortunately, the natural world can sometimes impose itself on our human world just a tad too much. Pests include a very large number of living things like insects, rodents, birds, reptiles and even some things you’ve likely never heard of before.
Make a Homemade Flytrap
Cut trees, shrubs and plants away from the structure so that spiders cannot climb around the treatment and get up onto the walls. Also remove any wood, cardboard or other material that leans up against the home. According to me, the most annoying insect pests around our home are ants, termites, spiders, flies and mosquitos. Here’s a rundown on each along with the best ways to control them.

Insects are much more sensitive to odors than humans. One of the best ways to keep pests out of your home is to empty the garbage often. Line your cans with plastic garbage bags and make sure to tie them tightly before you take them outside for pickup.
Keep a Tidy House
The mosquito life cycle takes place in four stages, beginning with the egg. After exposure to water, most eggs hatch within hours. Utah’s #1 local lawn care company based on the total number of licensed technicians in Utah, certified by the State of Utah. As you trim your trees and shrubs, be sure to clear away all debris and leaves because pests could also be lurking there. But you don’t have to expose your family to toxins to keep bugs out.

The one thing mosquitos can’t stand is air forcibly moved around the room, so the more fans you have operating – even out on the porch – the better. Use citronella candles and dump some citronella into your sunscreen to prevent mosquito bites when working outside. If you have a pet, remember to put their food in a bowl or on a rubber mat, at the very least, and never put it on the floor. Though they might seem innocent, these spots are a perfect home for bugs looking to stay for a few seasons. A good rule of thumb is to keep the firewood at least five feet away from the house, and off the ground if possible. Rather than just monitoring the appliances, however, look underneath the sinks in your kitchen and bathrooms to see if there are any gaps next to the piping.
Expert Advice on Keeping Your Home Bug Free
Mint leaves are also intolerable to bugs, just like peppermint oil. Crush a few mint leaves and leave them around the corners of your house and around the mattresses. Also you can use it against moths and keep it around your clothes. Citrus fruits contain compounds that have been found to be effective in pest control. All of their pest-fighting properties are safe-to-use, as they’re naturally sourced from fruits grown in your backyard. You can use citrus peels to repel pests such as ants and fleas.
Wet basements and crawl areas can serve as starting places for subterranean termites and they will seek to find a dark route to the wood material in your home. They can build their own dark tunnels up concrete foundation walls to reach the wood. Use of baits, barriers, localized termiticide injections, inspections and tube removals are needed to treat active infestations and must be administered by licensed specialists. Stewarts is a proud Utah company, owned and operated by the Stewart family since 1972. We are Utah's #1 local lawn care, pest control and tree spraying service with operations in Salt Lake, Utah, and Davis counties.
Ask your vet about tick and flea prevention treatments before bug season begins. Some programs, like pills and topical medications, need a head start. And while it's hard to begrudge a bug this slice of heaven during its short time on Earth, you're not about to hand over the house keys. Insects can bring germs into your house, and miniature trails of ants by your kitchen door is not exactly the best way to welcome guests. They tend to pop up in ways that make guests and small children squeamish.
Seal these areas from the inside using a spray foam product or caulk, as appropriate. If air or light is getting in around your outside doors, bugs can get in too. Install tight-fitting thresholds and door sweeps at the bottom of exterior doors and use door seals to fill in gaps around the sides and top of each door as well. Use fine-mesh screening to prevent all but the tiniest insects from entering your home.
Zevo Flying Insect Traps work without chemical insecticides—instead, they use multi-spectrum light technology and simulated body heat to lure and capture flying pests. This is one of the simplest pest-control strategies you can depend on to prevent pest infestations in your home. Usually, bugs will enter your property in search of food and shelter. Crumbs on your kitchen counter or floor will attract ants and cockroaches, much like cluttered spaces serve as hiding spots for disease-carrying pests.
No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website. Consult your physician or a qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health and well-being or on any opinions expressed within this website. The information provided in our newsletters and special reports is believed to be accurate based on the best judgement of the Company and the authors. However, the reader is responsible for consulting with their own health professional on any matters raised within. Neither the company nor the author's of any information provided accept responsibility for the actions or consequential results of any action taken by any reader. Diatomaceous earth also works, but it’s best to keep both of these solutions away from your pets.
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